书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.045 秒,为您找到 14169 个相关结果.
  • systemPreferences

    systemPreferences 事件 Event: ‘accent-color-changed’ Windows Event: ‘color-changed’ Windows 方法 systemPreferences.isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled() macOS systemPreferences...
  • dialog

    dialog Methods dialog.showOpenDialogSync([browserWindow, ]options) dialog.showOpenDialog([browserWindow, ]options) dialog.showSaveDialogSync([browserWindow, ]options) dialog....
  • dialog

    dialog Methods dialog.showOpenDialogSync([browserWindow, ]options) dialog.showOpenDialog([browserWindow, ]options) dialog.showSaveDialogSync([browserWindow, ]options) dialog....
  • BrowserWindow

    BrowserWindow Window customization Showing the window gracefully Using the ready-to-show event Setting the backgroundColor property Parent and child windows Modal windows P...
  • BrowserWindow

    BrowserWindow 自定义窗口 优雅地显示窗口 使用 ready-to-show 事件 设置 backgroundColor 属性 父子窗口 模态窗口 页面可见性 平台相关的提示 Class: BrowserWindow new BrowserWindow([options]) 实例事件 事件: ‘page-title-upd...
  • powerMonitor

    powerMonitor 事件 Event: ‘suspend’ Event: ‘resume’ Event: ‘on-ac’ macOS Windows Event: ‘on-battery’ macOS Windows Event: ‘shutdown’ Linux macOS Event: ‘lock-screen’ macOS Window...
  • Graphics Hardware

    66 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Graphics Hardware Drivers Windows Linux macOS Graphics Hardware Blender uses of OpenGL for the 3D Viewport and user interface. The graphics card (GPU) and driver have a big ...
  • powerMonitor

    powerMonitor 事件 Event: ‘suspend’ Event: ‘resume’ Event: ‘on-ac’ macOS Windows Event: ‘on-battery’ macOS Windows Event: ‘shutdown’ Linux macOS Event: ‘lock-screen’ macOS Window...
  • powerMonitor

    powerMonitor 事件 Event: ‘suspend’ Event: ‘resume’ Event: ‘on-ac’ macOS Windows Event: ‘on-battery’ macOS Windows Event: ‘shutdown’ Linux macOS Event: ‘lock-screen’ macOS Wi...
  • app

    app Events Event: ‘will-finish-launching’ Event: ‘ready’ Event: ‘window-all-closed’ Event: ‘before-quit’ Event: ‘will-quit’ Event: ‘quit’ Event: ‘open-file’ macOS Event: ‘op...