3. Annexes 3. Annexes XML notes ID’s ID’s, which identify commands and are used when pressing the F1 key in the GIMP interface, are in https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/tree/...
S3 Name description Example Keywords Best Practice S3 Name SinceVersion 1.2 s3 description S3表函数(table-valued-function,tvf),可以让用户像访问关系表格式数据一样,读取并访问 S3 兼容的对象存储上的文件内容。目前支...
S3 Name description syntax Example Keywords Best Practice S3 Name S3 description S3 table-valued-function(tvf), allows users to read and access file contents on S3-comp...
MQTT3 Component format Warning Spec metadata fields Communication using TLS Consuming a shared topic Warning Create a MQTT3 broker Related links MQTT3 Detailed documenta...
MQTT3 Component format Warning Spec metadata fields Communication using TLS Consuming a shared topic Warning Create a MQTT3 broker Related links MQTT3 Detailed documenta...
3 Data overview Overview Configuration 3 Data overview This widget is deprecated and will be removed in the upcoming major release. Overview In the data overview widget, you...