书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.027 秒,为您找到 1094 个相关结果.
  • Kubernetes

    Deploy Alluxio on Kubernetes Prerequisites Basic Setup (Optional) Extract Kubernetes Specifications (Optional) Provision a Persistent Volume Deploy Using helm Prerequisites Co...
  • Configuration Settings

    Configuration Settings Configure Applications Alluxio Shell Commands Spark Hadoop MapReduce Hive Presto Configure an Alluxio Cluster alluxio-site.properties Files (Recommend...
  • Configuration Settings

    Configuration Settings Configure Applications Alluxio Shell Commands Spark Hadoop MapReduce Hive Presto Configure an Alluxio Cluster alluxio-site.properties Files (Recommend...
  • Security

    Security Authentication SIMPLE NOSASL CUSTOM Authorization User group mapping Initialized directory and file permissions Update directory and file permission model Imperson...
  • Ceph

    Ceph Prerequisites Basic Setup Root Mount Point Option 1: S3 Interface (preferred) Option 2: Swift Interface Nested Mount Point Running Alluxio Locally with Ceph Advanced Se...
  • Ceph

    Ceph Prerequisites Basic Setup Root Mount Point Option 1: S3 Interface (preferred) Option 2: Swift Interface Nested Mount Point Running Alluxio Locally with Ceph Advanced Se...
  • Apache Hive

    Running Apache Hive with Alluxio Prerequisites Basic Setup Example: Create New Hive Tables in Alluxio Prepare Data in Alluxio Create a New Internal Table Create a New External ...
  • GlusterFS

    GlusterFS Initial Setup Configuring Alluxio Running Alluxio Locally with GlusterFS Contributed by the Alluxio Community GlusterFS This guide describes how to configu...
  • 快速上手指南

    快速上手指南 前期准备 安装 SSH (Mac OS X) 下载 Alluxio 配置 Alluxio [加分项] AWS 相关配置 验证 Alluxio 运行环境 启动 Alluxio 使用 Alluxio Shell [加分项] Alluxio 中的挂载功能 [加分项] 用 Alluxio 加速数据访问 关闭 Alluxio 总结 ...
  • 底层存储扩展

    底层存储扩展 扩展列表 管理扩展 命令行实用程序 安装 列举 卸载 从Maven坐标中安装 验证 底层存储扩展 这篇文档是帮助用户进行文件系统的扩展,请查看开发扩展 来阅读扩展开发文档。 Alluxio可以在运行时扩展额外的底层存储模块,底层存储模块的扩展(通过JARs包进行编译)可以被包括在一个Alluxio Cor...