Example Textareas Selects Layout Sass Variables Example Wrap a pair of <input class="form-control"> and <label> elements in .form-floating to enable floating labels wit...
Git Ignore (global) Git Ignore (global) Create the file ~/.gitignore as shown below to not track files that are almost always ignored in all Git repositories. # Folder view c...
Interactions Text selection Interactions Utility classes that change how users interact with the contents of a website. Text selection Change how the content is selected wh...
常见问题 Ant Design React 和 Ant Design Pro 有什么区别? 如何使用 Ant Design Pro? 是否可以在生产环境中使用 Ant Design Pro? 如何更新 Ant Design Pro? 如何从服务器请求菜单? 如何使用 Umi 约定式路由 build 之后如何使用 mock 数据? 如何关闭页面权...