Nornir is an automation framework written in python to be used with python. Most automation frameworks hide the language they are written in by using some cumbersome pseudo-languag...
Longhorn is a distributed block storage system for Kubernetes. Longhorn is lightweight, reliable, and easy-to-use. You can deploy Longhorn on an existing Kubernetes cluster with on...
KubeVirt ,Kubernetes 虚拟化 API 和运行时,用于定义和管理虚拟机。
KubeVirt is a virtual machine management add-on for Kubernetes. The aim is to provide a common ground for virtualization solutions on ...
Node.js What's all the buzz about? Why are so many people talking about it? How can I get some of this awesome? Follow along in this workshop/tutorial to get your head wrapped arou...
Apache Calcite 是一款开源SQL解析工具, 可以将各种SQL语句解析成抽象语法术AST(Abstract Syntax Tree), 之后通过操作AST就可以把SQL中所要表达的算法与关系体现在具体代码之中。Apache Calcite is a dynamic data management framework. It contains ma...
LF Edge eKuiper is an edge lightweight IoT data analytics / streaming software implemented by Golang, and it can be run at all kinds of resource constrained edge devices. One goal ...
User Guides For those new to the LLVM system.(LLVM系统的新用户指南,中文翻译版)。LLVM是构架编译器(compiler)的框架系统,以C++编写而成,用于优化以任意程序语言编写的程序的编译时间(compile-time)、链接时间(link-time)、运行时间(run-time)以及空闲时间(idle-t...
G2 (The Grammar Of Graphics) 是一个由纯 JavaScript 编写、强大的语义化图表生成工具,它提供了一整套图形语法,可以让用户通过简单的语法搭建出无数种图表,并且集成了大量的统计工具,支持多种坐标系绘制,可以让用户自由地定制图表,是为大数据时代而准备的强大的可视化工具。