What’s New in SQLAlchemy 1.1? Introduction Platform / Installer Changes Setuptools is now required for install Enabling / Disabling C Extension builds is only via environment var...
What’s New in SQLAlchemy 1.4? Major API changes and features - General Python 3.6 is the minimum Python 3 version; Python 2.7 still supported ORM Query is internally unified with ...
Python 2.2 有什么新变化 概述 PEP 252 和 253:类型和类的修改 旧式类和新式类 描述器 多重继承:钻石规则 属性访问 相关链接 PEP 234: 迭代器 PEP 255: 简单的生成器 PEP 237: 统一长整数和整数 PEP 238: Changing the Division Operator Unicode...