Mixing Different Parameter Types Mixing Different Parameter Types It’s possible, but rare, to use all four flavors of parameters in a single function. Whenever more than one fl...
Distinguish Business Exceptions from Technical Distinguish Business Exceptions from Technical There are basically two reasons that things go wrong at runtime: technical problem...
Listing a Directory(列目录) Listing a Directory(列目录) You can implement the function for listing a single directory, list-directory , as a thin wrapper around the standard function...
Providing Multiple Restarts Providing Multiple Restarts Since restarts must be explicitly invoked to have any effect, you can define multiple restarts, each providing a differe...
Lexical Variables and Closures Lexical Variables and Closures By default all binding forms in Common Lisp introduce lexically scoped variables. Lexically scoped variables can b...
project setup project.clj desktop_launcher.clj core.clj play-clj Links Clojure is a dialect of Lisp, written for the JVM and with functional programming in mind. Clojure com...
What is a Programming Language? What is a Programming Language? A programming language is very similar to a real language. There is a structure behind it, and some rules which...