POST /rest/db/scan POST /rest/db/scan Request immediate scan. Takes the optional parameters folder (folder ID), sub (path relative to the folder root) and next (time in seco...
POST /rest/db/prio POST /rest/db/prio Moves the file to the top of the download queue. curl - X POST http : // Respo...
POST /rest/db/ignores POST /rest/db/ignores Expects a format similar to the output of GET call, but only containing the ignore field (expanded field should be omitted). It t...
GET /rest/db/ignores GET /rest/db/ignores Takes one parameter, folder , and returns the content of the .stignore as the ignore field. A second field, expanded , provides a li...
GET /rest/db/file GET /rest/db/file Returns most data available about a given file, including version and availability. Takes folder and file parameters. { "availabilit...
1.3.9. /db/_shards 1.3.10. /db/_shards/doc 1.3.11. /db/_sync_shards 1.3.9. /db/_shards New in version 2.0. GET /{db}/_shards The response will contain a list of databa...
1.3.17. /db/_security 1.3.17. /db/_security GET /{db}/_security Returns the current security object from the specified database. The security object consists of two compul...