kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”. kind was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself, but may be used for local developmen...
Zig 是一门开源的编程语言,专为稳定性、可维护性和最优性而设计。具有以下值得关注的特性:手动管理内存;与 C 语言竞争而非依赖它,Zig 标准库不依赖于 libc;轻量而简单的语言,专注于调试应用而不是调试编程语言的知识;新的错误处理方法,与编写良好的 C 语言错误处理类似,但减少了很多冗余;调试模式下优化了快速编译时间,并在不确定行为发生时使用堆栈跟踪崩...
RocksDB is a storage engine with key/value interface, where keys and values are arbitrary byte streams. It is a C++ library. It was developed at Facebook based on LevelDB and provi...