Using Nuxt programatically Nuxt Constructor Debug logs Using Nuxt programatically You can use Nuxt programmatically to use it as a middleware giving you the freedom of creatin...
How Nuxt Works? The Nuxt interface The NuxtApp interface Runtime Context vs. Build Context How Nuxt Works? Nuxt is a minimal but highly customizable framework to build web ap...
Nuxt configuration file nuxt.config.js alias build css dev env runtimeConfig .env support publicRuntimeConfig privateRuntimeConfig Using your config values: generate hea...
Nuxt build directory The buildDir Property Inside the .nuxt folder: Deploying Nuxt build directory The .nuxt directory is the so-called build directory. It is dynamically ge...
Nuxt Constructor Debug logs You might want to use your own server with your middleware and your API. That’s why you can use Nuxt.js programmatically. Nuxt Constructor To see ...
Nuxt configuration file Nuxt configuration file Nuxt can be easily configured with a single nuxt.config file, which can have either a .js , .ts or .mjs extension. import {...