Support for —target ES6 with —module Example Support for —target ES6 with —module TypeScript 1.7 adds ES6 to the list of options available for the —module flag and allows yo...
26. Unicode in ES6 26.1 Unicode is better supported in ES6 26.2 Escape sequences in ES6 26.2.1 Where can escape sequences be used? 26.2.2 Escape sequences in the ES6 spec 26.2.2....
Using ES6 & ES* With React Notes Using ES6 & ES* With React Babel is not part of React. In fact, Babel’s purpose isn’t even that of a JSX transformer. Babel is a JavaScript co...
EcmaScript 6 and TypeScript Features EcmaScript 6 and TypeScript Features 我们常说的“JavaScript”语言的正式名叫“EcmaScript”。 新版本的JavaScript,“EcmaScript 6”或“ES6”,提供了许多新功能,扩展了语言的能力。ES6在今天...
4. Core ES6 features 4.1 From var to const/let 4.2 From IIFEs to blocks 4.3 From concatenating strings to template literals 4.3.1 String interpolation 4.3.2 Multi-line strings ...