书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.008 秒,为您找到 61 个相关结果.
  • 简约至上:交互式设计四策略 笔记

    简约至上:交互式设计四策略(Simple and Usable Web,Mobile, and Interaction Design)笔记
  • Debian Policy Manual v4.5

    This manual describes the policy requirements for the Debian distribution. This includes the structure and contents of the Debian archive and several design issues of the operating...
  • Serenity Developer Guide(英文)

    Serenity is an ASP.NET Core / MVC / TypeScript application platform which has been built on open source technologies. It aims to make development easier while reducing maintenance...
  • DesignPatternsPHP

    This is a collection of known design patterns and some sample code how to implement them in PHP. Every pattern has a small list of examples (most of them from Zend Framework, Symfo...
  • the Model View Controller notes(英文)

    Model-View-Controller (MVC) is probably the most used architectural solution for User Interface design and web programming; Introduced first in the 70s, MVC has been progressively ...
  • DB Browser for SQLite

    DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) is a high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite. DB4S is for users and developers who wan...
  • Material Design 中文协同翻译

    Google I/O 2014发布的Material Design将会成为统一Android,Chrome等平台的设计语言规范,对从业人员意义重大,我们正通过互联网的方式将其翻译成中文~
  • Material Design 中文版

    Material Design,中文名:材料设计语言,是由Google推出的全新的设计语言,谷歌表示,这种设计语言旨在为手机、平板电脑、台式机和“其他平台”提供更一致、更广泛的“外观和感觉”。
  • Android 底部导航栏(Bottom navigation)规范指南

    最近 Google 在Material Design设计规范中加入底部导航栏(Bottom navigation)设计,对此,我会在文末给出个人看法!现在我们先来学习Bottom navigation 在设计、使用、交互、风格、尺寸的一些规范。水平有限,如理解有误,请多多吐槽。
  • Vuetify.js 2.2.26 使用教程

    Vuetify 是 Vue.js 的头号组件库,自 2016 年以来一直在积极开发。该项目的目标是为用户提供使用 Material Design specification 构建丰富且引人入胜的 web 应用程序所需的一切。它通过一致的更新周期、对以前版本的长期支持 (LTS)、响应式社区参与、丰富的资源生态系统和对高质量组件的贡献来实现这一点。