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  • 本地调试远程服务器上的Node代码(ok)

    1088 2018-10-20 《Nodejs学习笔记》
    写在前面 方式一:内置debug功能 进入调试模式(在第1行断点) 进入调试模式(在第n行断点) 执行下一步 跳到下一个断点 查看某个变量的值 添加/删除watch 进入/跳出函数(step in、step out) 多个文件断点 重新运行 远程调试 方式二:通过IDE(vscode) 方式三:通过node-inspector 方式...
  • Tips and Tricks

    Visual Studio Code Tips and Tricks Basics Getting started Command Palette Default keyboard shortcuts Keyboard reference sheets Quick Open Navigate between recently opened file...
  • Jest Community

    Jest Community Jest Community The community around Jest is working hard to make the testing experience even greater. jest-community is a new GitHub organization for high qual...
  • Jest Community

    The community around Jest is working hard to make the testing experience even greater. jest-community is a new GitHub organization for high quality Jest additions curated by Jes...
  • Editors

    Syntax Highlighting Atom Sublime Text 3 Vim Visual Studio Code WebStorm Syntax Highlighting These days, many popular editors support ES2015+ syntax highlightingout of th...
  • 环境说明

    环境说明 1 架构图 2 数据库要求 3 部署顺序 环境说明 Windows 平台推荐使用 VSCode 的 Remote SSH 功能在 Linux 上进行编译 1 架构图 JumpServer 分为多个组件,大致的架构如下图所示,其中 Lina 和 Luna 为纯静态文件,最终由 Nginx 整合。 2 数据库要求 My...
  • Why does Envoy take so long to compile?

    Why does Envoy take so long to compile? Why does Envoy take so long to compile? There are several different reasons why Envoy is so computationally intensive to compile: C++ c...
  • Editors

    Editors Syntax Highlighting Atom Sublime Text 3 Vim Visual Studio Code WebStorm Editors Syntax Highlighting These days, many popular editors support ES2015+ syntax hi...
  • Why does Envoy take so long to compile?

    Why does Envoy take so long to compile? Why does Envoy take so long to compile? There are several different reasons why Envoy is so computationally intensive to compile: C++ c...
  • Create from Goland

    Create from Goland Overview Create project New main.go Run program Create from Goland Overview Having completed the Golang installation, we can formally enter golang for de...