Setting up Babel babel-cli Running Babel CLI from within a project babel-register babel-node babel-core Setting up Babel Since the JavaScript community has no si...
Creating a Feathers Plugin Verifying our Service Expanding our Plugin Usage Testing Creating a Feathers Plugin The easiest way to create a plugin is with the Yeoman generat...
使用 npm 使用 NuGet 和 MSBuild 更新IDE来使用每日构建 Visual Studio Code Sublime Text Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 IntelliJ IDEA (Mac) 在太平洋标准时间每天午夜会自动构建TypeScript的master 分支代码并发布到NPM和NuGet...
Automatic generation of external declarations with Dukat Generating external declarations at build time Manually generating external declarations via Gradle task Automatic ge...
用 Dukat 自动生成外部声明 Generating external declarations at build time Manually generating external declarations via Gradle task 用 Dukat 自动生成外部声明 Dukat is still experimental . If y...