书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.043 秒,为您找到 1641 个相关结果.
  • Kotlin 1.4

    What’s New in Kotlin 1.4.0 Language features and improvements SAM conversions for Kotlin interfaces Explicit API mode for library authors Mixing named and positional arguments T...
  • Client libraries

    Use InfluxDB client libraries Use InfluxDB client libraries This page documents an earlier version of InfluxDB. InfluxDB v2.7 is the latest stable version. View this page in th...
  • 3. Develop a WasmEdge app

    Develop a WasmEdge app Develop a WasmEdge app A key value proposition of WebAssembly is that it supports multiple programming languages. WebAssembly is a “managed runtime” for ...
  • v0.87.2 Giant

    389 2019-12-29 《Ceph v15.0 Document》
    v0.87.2 Giant Notable Changes v0.87.2 Giant This is the second (and possibly final) point release for Giant. We recommend all v0.87.x Giant users upgrade to this release. ...
  • 模型绑定

    字段映射 字段映射的类型 字段约束 自增属性 索引 表约束 虚拟表映射 数据库升级 文件与代码模版 文件模版 代码模版 模型绑定(Object-relational Mapping,简称 ORM),通过对 Swift 类或结构进行绑定,形成类或结构 - 表模型 、类或结构对象 - 表 的映射关系,从而达到通过对象直接操作数据库的目的。...
  • Installing log storage

    Installing log storage Deploying a Loki log store Loki deployment sizing Installing the Loki Operator by using the OKD web console Creating a secret for Loki object storage by us...
  • 使用多存储后端

    多存储后端 定义存储后端 资料库映射策略 用户选择 基于角色映射 基于资料库 ID 的映射 多存储后端 某些使用场景下,需要 Seafile 服务可以支持多个存储后端,例如: 要将不同的文件类型存储到不同的存储后端。例如,普通文件可以存储到主存储(disks, SSD);文档文件可以存储到 “冷存储”(其他存储系统)。 结合多个存储后端...
  • OSA

    Openstack-Ansible OSA简介 Ansible Linux containers (LXC) OSA可配置的组件 OSA 安装Openstack OSA部署流程 OSA的AIO工作流程图 OpenStack-ansible配置管理 其它 总结 Openstack-Ansible OSA简介 OpenStack...
  • Inheritance

    Inheritance Defining a Base Class Subclassing Overriding Accessing Superclass Methods, Properties, and Subscripts Overriding Methods Overriding Properties Overriding Property G...
  • Java

    635 2020-12-05 《Ceph v15.2 Document》
    Java Swift Examples Setup Create a Connection Create a Container Create an Object Add/Update Object Metadata List Owned Containers List a Container’s Content Retrieve an Obj...