快速启动 服务提供者 定义服务接口 在服务提供方实现接口 用 Spring 配置声明暴露服务 加载 Spring 配置 服务消费者 通过 Spring 配置引用远程服务 加载Spring配置,并调用远程服务 快速启动 Dubbo 采用全 Spring 配置方式,透明化接入应用,对应用没有任何 API 侵入,只需用 Spring 加载 ...
Dubbo as a Lightweight RPC Framework for Solving Component Communication Issues Develop RPC Server and Client with Lightweight Java SDK Consumer Thread Model, Provider Thread Mode...
What is Pixiu Pixiu Overview API Gateway Sidecar Mode Feedback What is Pixiu Pixiu is an open-source API gateway for the Dubbo ecosystem and a language solution for accessin...