How to package a Django application as an addon¶ Register the addon¶ Add the packaging files¶ The file¶ If your addon installs an application¶ If your addon contains an ...
Configuring error messages Configuring error messages The following flags let you adjust how much detail mypy displaysin error messages. —show-error-context This flag will...
3. Integrating applications 3.1. Incorporate the polls application 3.1.1. Install polls 3.1.2. Improve the templates for Polls 3.2. Set up a new polls_cms_integration applica...
配置目录 平台相关路径 MS-Windows macOS Linux 路径布局 临时目录 配置目录 Blender使用三种不同的目录,其具体位置与操作系统相关。 LOCAL 配置和运行时数据位置(用于独立包)。 USER 配置文件位置(通常位于用户的家目录下) SYSTEM 系统级安装的运行时数据位置(可能是只读的)。对于系统级安装,...
pip cache Usage Description Options Important Did this article help? We are currently doing research to improve pip’s documentation and would love your feedback. Please ema...