书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.041 秒,为您找到 1867 个相关结果.
  • Basic command examples

    791 2020-02-07 《TinyGo Document》
    Basic command examples Building “Hello, World” program for WebAssembly Building/flashing a “blink” program for micro:bit Building/flashing a “blink” program for Arduino Building...
  • 2.6. 使用 WebAssembly

    WASM 支持 WASM 支持 Deno 能够运行 wasm 二进制文件。 const wasmCode = new Uint8Array ([ 0 , 97 , 115 , 109 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 133 , 128 , 128 , 128 , ...
  • 3. 创建合约

    3. 创建合约 3.1. 编写合约 3.2. 部署wasm合约 3.3. 部署native合约 3. 创建合约 3.1. 编写合约 源码可以参考 xuperchain/core/contractsdk/go/example/math/math.go 主要实现struct中initialize,invoke和query三个方法来实现自己的逻...
  • Envoy Filter

    Envoy Filter EnvoyFilter EnvoyFilter.ProxyMatch EnvoyFilter.ClusterMatch EnvoyFilter.RouteConfigurationMatch EnvoyFilter.ListenerMatch EnvoyFilter.Patch EnvoyFilter.EnvoyConf...
  • Envoy Filter

    Envoy Filter EnvoyFilter EnvoyFilter.ProxyMatch EnvoyFilter.ClusterMatch EnvoyFilter.RouteConfigurationMatch EnvoyFilter.ListenerMatch EnvoyFilter.Patch EnvoyFilter.EnvoyConf...
  • Envoy Filter

    Envoy Filter EnvoyFilter EnvoyFilter.ProxyMatch EnvoyFilter.ClusterMatch EnvoyFilter.RouteConfigurationMatch EnvoyFilter.ListenerMatch EnvoyFilter.Patch EnvoyFilter.EnvoyConf...
  • 5.8. Which Crates Will Work Off-the-Shelf with WebAssembly?

    Which Crates Will Work Off-the-Shelf with WebAssembly? Things a Crate Might do that Won't Work with WebAssembly C and System Library Dependencies File I/O Spawning Threads So W...
  • Integrating OPA

    Evaluating Policies Integrating with the REST API Named Policy Decisions Integrating with the Go API WebAssembly (Wasm) Comparison Integrating OPA OPA exposes domain-agnost...
  • Other features

    Other features Other features Rate limit service gRPC service IDL VCL Socket Interface Example configuration How it works Installing and running VPP/VCL Wasm runtime ...
  • Kotlin 路线图

    Kotlin 路线图 关键优先事项 以子系统划分的 Kotlin 路线图 YouTrack 看板 路线图详情 相对 2022 年 12 月版的变化 已完成 新增 已删除 进行中 Kotlin 路线图 最后修改时间 2023 年 7 月 下次更新时间 2023 年 12 月 欢迎来看 Kotlin 路线图!一窥 Kotlin ...