Code Owners Escaping Code Owners Gitea maintains code owner files. It looks for it in the following locations in this order: ./CODEOWNERS ./docs/CODEOWNERS ./.gitea/CODEOWN...
Code layout root lib lib/vtls src include/curl docs docs/libcurl docs/libcurl/opts docs/examples scripts Code layout The curl source code tree is neither large nor co...
Gray Code Gray Code The gray code is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit. Given a non-negative integer n representing the total number o...
Quality Code Quality Code Clean, roboust and well tested code are fundamental goals of the framework. li₃ adheres tocoding ,testing ,and documentation standards which can be f...
Default Layout app/ directory conf/ directory messages/ directory public/ directory Revel requires itself and the user application to be installed into a GOPATH layout as pre...
Code reviews Introduction Approach Process Prerequisites Review checklist Excluded from this checklist Rubric for assessing code quality Program level checklist Documentation...