书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.013 秒,为您找到 1597 个相关结果.
  • Roadmap

    Roadmap Roadmap The goal of KubeVela is to make deploying and operating applications across today’s hybrid, multi-cloud environments easier, faster and more reliable . We will m...
  • TensorFlow Lite(Jinpeng)

    TensorFlow Lite(Jinpeng) TensorFlow Lite(Jinpeng) TensorFlow Lite是TensorFlow在移动和IoT等边缘设备端的解决方案,提供了Java、Python和C++ API库,可以运行在Android、iOS和Raspberry Pi等设备上。2019年是5G元年,万物互联的时代已经来临,...
  • 其他常见问题

    项目在本地环境安装的时候镜像总是拉取不下来? 项目在启动时报类缺失或者找不到? 项目在docker-compose拉取镜像时偶尔报出ERROR异常 启动报elasticsearch节点无法进入 若启动时只有jetlinks的banner显示 启动无故失败 切换成mysql数据库报’unknown database jetlinks’ 项目启动报...
  • Create a token

    Create a token Manage tokens in the InfluxDB UI Create a token in the InfluxDB UI Create a token using the influx CLI Examples Create an All-Access token Create an Operator toke...
  • MQTT 简介

    什么是 MQTT MQTT 协议的主要特性 MQTT 发布 / 订阅 MQTT 服务器 什么是 MQTT MQTT 是 Message Queuing Telemetry Transport(消息队列遥测传输)的缩写,是 IBM 开发的一个即时通讯协议,它比较适合于在低带宽、不可靠的网络的进行远程传感器和控制设备通讯等,正在日益成为物联网...
  • Architecture

    System Architecture System Architecture Besides IoTDB engine, we also developed several components to provide better IoT service. All components are referred to below as the IoT...
  • Roadmap

    Roadmap 版本:v1.6 Roadmap The goal of KubeVela is to make deploying and operating applications across today’s hybrid, multi-cloud environments easier, faster and more reliable . ...
  • Architecture

    Architecture Architecture Besides IoTDB engine, we also developed several components to provide better IoT service. All components are referred to below as the IoTDB suite, and...
  • Quickstart

    704 2020-05-08 《Rook 1.0 Document》
    Quickstart Guides Quickstart Guides Welcome to Rook! We hope you have a great experience installing the Rook storage platform to enable highly available, durable storage in you...
  • 其他常见问题

    项目在本地环境安装的时候镜像总是拉取不下来? 项目在启动时报类缺失或者找不到? 项目在docker-compose拉取镜像时偶尔报出ERROR异常 启动报elasticsearch节点无法进入 若启动时只有jetlinks的banner显示 启动无故失败 切换成mysql数据库报’unknown database jetlinks’ 项目启动报...