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  • Workerman

    Workerman是一款纯PHP开发的开源高性能的PHP socket 服务器框架。被广泛的用于手机app、手游服务端、网络游戏服务器、聊天室服务器、硬件通讯服务器、智能家居、车联网、物联网等领域的开发。 支持TCP长连接,支持Websocket、HTTP等协议,支持自定义协议。基于workerman开发者可以更专注于业务逻辑开发,不必再为PHP Sock...
  • How to Grow a System

    How to Grow a System How to Grow a System The seed of a tree contains the idea of the adult but does not fully realize the form and potency of the adult. The embryo grows. It b...
  • 架构总览

    入口文件 应用 模块 控制器 操作 模型 视图 驱动 行为 命名空间 ThinkPHP 应用基于MVC (模型-视图-控制器)的方式来组织。 MVC是一个设计模式,它强制性的使应用程序的输入、处理和输出分开。使用MVC应用程序被分成三个核心部件:模型(M)、视图(V)、控制器(C),它们各自处理自己的任务。 ...
  • Shortcuts

    473 2021-10-08 《Qt6 QML Book》
    Shortcuts Configure Shortcuts Shortcuts Shortcuts are the difference between a nice-to-use editor and a professional editor. As a professional you spend hundreds of hours in fr...
  • 15.2. Language design

    Language design Language design In a way PRQL is just a transpiler to SQL. This can cause its language design to gravitate toward thinking about PRQL features in terms of how t...
  • After office

    After office After office “A person’s maturity consists in having found againthe seriousness one had as a child, at play”—Friedrich Nietzsche We are all for multifaceted pe...
  • Django FAQ

    Django FAQ Django FAQ FAQ: General Why does this project exist? What does “Django” mean, and how do you pronounce it? Is Django stable? Does Django scale? Who’s behind thi...
  • Overview of Godot’s key concepts

    Overview of Godot’s key concepts Scenes Nodes The scene tree Signals Summary Overview of Godot’s key concepts Every game engine revolves around abstractions you use to buil...
  • URLconfs—Django’s Navigator

    URLconfs—Django’s Navigator URLconfs—Django’s Navigator There’s one last piece to the Django framework puzzle—the critical communication pathway that matches a request on the c...
  • Why Kuma?

    Why Kuma? Why Kuma? When building any software architecture, we will inevitably introduce services that will communicate with each other by making requests on the network. For...