Quarkus - Tips for writing native applications Supporting native in your application Including resources Registering for reflection Using the @RegisterForReflection annotation Us...
Django at a glance Design your model Install it Enjoy the free API A dynamic admin interface: it’s not just scaffolding – it’s the whole house Design your URLs Write your view...
基于类的视图 The relationship and history of generic views, class-based views, and class-based generic views Using class-based views Using mixins Handling forms with class-based views...
Pull request review process Code review and testing 1. Confirm that the problem exists 2. Test the PR and look for regressions 3. Do a code review 4. Iterate with the contributo...
Pull request review process Code review and testing 1. Confirm that the problem exists 2. Test the PR and look for regressions 3. Do a code review 4. Iterate with the contributo...
4. Fixtures More setUp() than tearDown() Variations Sharing Fixture Global State 4. Fixtures One of the most time-consuming parts of writing tests is writing the code to set...
Common issues when running Dapr I don’t see the Dapr sidecar injected to my pod Sample deployment: My pod is in CrashLoopBackoff or another failed state due to the daprd sidecar ...