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    CREATE DATABASE Statement CREATE DATABASE Statement Creates a new database. In Impala, a database is both: A logical construct for grouping together related tables, views, a...

    ALTER DATABASE 语法图 示例 MySQL 兼容性 另请参阅 ALTER DATABASE ALTER DATABASE 用于修改指定或当前数据库的默认字符集和排序规则。ALTER SCHEMA 跟 ALTER DATABASE 操作效果一样。 语法图 AlterDatabaseStmt ::= 'AL...
  • Database URL

    Database URL Database URL This module contains a helper function to generate a database connection from a URL connection string. connect (url, \*connect_params*) Create a Dat...
  • Initializing a Database

    Initializing a Database Initializing a Database The Database initialization method expects the name of the database as the first parameter. Subsequent keyword arguments are p...
  • Closing the database

    Closing the database Closing the database We’re done with our database, let’s close the connection: db . close () This is just the basics! You can make your queries as comp...
  • Database URL

    Database URL Database URL This module contains a helper function to generate a database connection from a URL connection string. connect (url, \*connect_params*) Create a Dat...
  • Initializing a Database

    Initializing a Database Initializing a Database The Database initialization method expects the name of the database as the first parameter. Subsequent keyword arguments are p...

    描述 前置条件 格式 参数解释 示例 描述 用于从回收站中恢复被删除的DATABASE。 前置条件 回收站需要处于开启状态,可以通过 show variables like 'recyclebin'; 来查看回收站是否开启。 OceanBase ( admin@test )> show variables like 'rec...

    描述 格式 参数解释 示例 描述 该语句用来修改 DataBase 的属性。 格式 alter_database_stmt : ALTER DATABASE [ database_name ] [ SET ] alter_specification_list ; alter_specification_...
  • Database Resolver

    DBResolver 用法 事务 自动切换连接 读写分离 手动切换连接 负载均衡 连接池 DBResolver DBResolver 为 GORM 提供了多个数据库支持,支持以下功能: 支持多个 sources、replicas 读写分离 根据工作表、struct 自动切换连接 手动切换连接 Sources/Replicas 负载均...