Dependencies for Testing DataStream API Testing Table API Testing Dependencies for Testing Flink provides utilities for testing your job that you can add as dependencies. Da...
数据结构约束 Next step 数据结构约束 Some data structures may require a part of operations not to be executed concurrently, such as single-producer single-consumer queues. Lincheck provides...
Quarkus - Quarkus Extension for Spring DI API Prerequisites Solution Creating the Maven project Add beans using Spring annotations Update the JAX-RS resource Update the test ...
SQL Rewrite Test Target Test SQL Rewrite Test Target Facing logic databases and tables cannot be executed directly in actual databases. SQL rewrite is used to rewrite logic S...
SQL Rewrite Test Target Test SQL Rewrite Test Target Facing logic databases and tables cannot be executed directly in actual databases. SQL rewrite is used to rewrite logic S...
11.1 概述 11.1 概述 能够在不需要部署到应用服务器或连接到其它企业基础服务的前提下做一些集成测试是很重要的。这将使你能够测试以下内容: Spring IoC容器上下文的正确装配。 使用JDBC或其它ORM工具访问数据。这将包括SQL语句、Hibernate查询和JPA实体映射的正确性等等这些内容。 Spring Framework...
SQL Rewrite Test Target Test SQL Rewrite Test Target Facing logic databases and tables cannot be executed directly in actual databases. SQL rewrite is used to rewrite logic S...