书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.025 秒,为您找到 599 个相关结果.
  • Hadoop 集成

    Hadoop 集成 Providing Hadoop classes Running a job locally Using flink-shaded-hadoop-2-uber jar for resolving dependency conflicts (legacy) Hadoop 集成 Providing Hadoop classe...
  • UberJAR 的代理服务配置

    5.5. UberJAR 的代理服务配置 5.5. UberJAR 的代理服务配置 本章节介绍配置 Nginx HTTP-server 作为 CUBA Uber JAR 应用程序的代理。 NGINX 对于 Nginx,下面有两种配置方法,所有示例都在 Ubuntu 16.04 测试通过。 Direct Proxy - 直接代理 Redir...
  • UberJAR 的代理服务配置

    5.5. UberJAR 的代理服务配置 5.5. UberJAR 的代理服务配置 本章节介绍配置 Nginx HTTP-server 作为 CUBA Uber JAR 应用程序的代理。 NGINX 对于 Nginx,下面有两种配置方法,所有示例都在 Ubuntu 16.04 测试通过。 Direct Proxy - 直接代理 Redir...
  • Using Maven

    How to use Maven to configure your project Requirements Importing the project into your IDE Building the project Adding dependencies to the project Packaging the application T...
  • Jaeger

    Jaeger samplingServerURL samplingType samplingParam localAgentHostPort gen128Bit propagation traceContextHeaderName disableAttemptReconnecting collector endpoint ...
  • Jaeger

    Jaeger samplingServerURL samplingType samplingParam localAgentHostPort gen128Bit propagation traceContextHeaderName disableAttemptReconnecting collector endpoint ...
  • Building Applications with Gradle

    1379 2019-11-10 《Quarkus v1.0 Document》
    Building Quarkus apps with Gradle Creating a new project Custom test configuration profile in JVM mode Dealing with extensions Development mode Debugging Import in your IDE B...
  • Introduction

    Introduction Introduction Styles are the conventions that govern our code. The term style is a bit of amisnomer, since these conventions cover far more than just source filefor...
  • 介绍

    HTTP Dispatcher 手册 Benchmark 整合uber-go/zap 记录事件日志 ) 优雅关闭(Graceful Shutdown) ) HTTP Dispatcher 使用Go语言开发,基于高性能的julienschmidt/httprouter 路由包实现的HTTP调度器,与net/http 标准包配合使用。 没有对h...
  • Hadoop Integration

    Hadoop Integration Providing Hadoop classes Running a job locally Using flink-shaded-hadoop-2-uber jar for resolving dependency conflicts (legacy) Hadoop Integration Provi...