书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.015 秒,为您找到 578 个相关结果.
  • switchMap

    switchMap signature: switchMap(project: function: Observable, resultSelector: function(outerValue, innerValue, outerIndex, innerIndex): any): Observable Map to observable, compl...
  • zip

    zip signature: zip(observables: *): Observable Description TL;DR: After all observables emit, emit values as an array Examples Example 1: zip multiple observables emitting at ...
  • startWith

    startWith signature: startWith(an: Values): Observable Emit given value first. Examples Example 1: startWith on number sequence Example 2: startWith for initial scan value Exa...
  • last

    last signature: last(predicate: function): Observable Emit the last value emitted from source on completion, based on provided expression. Examples Example 1: Last value in sequ...
  • retryWhen

    1010 2018-04-07 《Learn RxJS(英文版)》
    retryWhen signature: retryWhen(receives: (errors: Observable) => Observable, the: scheduler): Observable Retry an observable sequence on error based on custom criteria. Examples...
  • catchError

    catchError 签名: catchError(project : function): Observable 优雅地处理 observable 序列中的错误 示例 示例 1: 捕获 observable 中的错误 示例 2: 捕获拒绝的 promise 其他资源 catchError 签名: catchError(projec...
  • throttleTime

    throttleTime signature: throttleTime(duration: number, scheduler: Scheduler): Observable Emit latest value when specified duration has passed. Examples Example 1: Receive latest...
  • timeout

    timeout 签名: timeout(due: number, scheduler: Scheduler): Observable 在指定时间间隔内不发出值就报错 示例 示例 1: 2.5秒后超时 其他资源 timeout 签名: timeout(due: number, scheduler: Scheduler): Observa...
  • concatAll

    concatAll signature: concatAll(): Observable Collect observables and subscribe to next when previous completes. Examples Example 1: concatAll with observable Example 2: concatA...
  • sample

    sample 签名: sample(sampler: Observable): Observable 当提供的 observable 发出时从源 observable 中取样。 示例 示例 1: 每2秒对源 observable 取样 示例 2: 当 interval 发出时对源 observable 取样 示例 3: 区分拖拽和点击 其他资...