Ambient Declarations Ambient Declarations As we mentioned in why TypeScript : A major design goal of TypeScript was to make it possible for you to safely and easily use exist...
Bug reporting guidelines Bitcoins Bug reporting guidelines If you report a bug, thank you! That said for the process to be manageable please strictly adhere to the following g...
Configuring a Web Server Configuring a Web Server Adding Rewrite Rules Apache with mod_php/PHP-CGI Using mod_php/PHP-CGI with Apache 2.4 Apache with PHP-FPM Using mod_proxy_fcg...
使用Assetic 前端程序 深入学习Assetic 网站资源(web assets)指的是CSS、JavaScript以及图片等文件,它们令网站的前端页面看起来更漂亮。Symfony开发者一般把这类资源存放在每个bundle的Resources/public/ 目录下。 Best Practice Best Practice 把你的asset...