Cloud Events - Java and Vert.x Before you begin Build and deploy the sample Testing the sample Removing the sample app deployment Feedback Cloud Events - Java and Vert.x A...
Cloud Events - Java and Vert.x Before you begin Build and deploy the sample Testing the sample Removing the sample app deployment Feedback Cloud Events - Java and Vert.x A...
Maven configuration changes Maven configuration changes First, we need to add the following 2 dependencies to our project. Obviously we need the vertx-service-proxy APIs: <de...
Enabling the RxJava APIs Enabling the RxJava APIs In addition to the callback-based API, the Vert.x modules offer an “Rxified” API. To enable it, start by adding the vertx-rx-j...
The web client API The web client API The Vert.x core library offers a createHttpClient method from the vertx context object. Instances of io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient prov...
The HTTP server verticle The HTTP server verticle The verticle class preamble and start method look as follows: public class HttpServerVerticle extends AbstractVertic...