书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.021 秒,为您找到 173 个相关结果.
  • 2.7. LCh Components Layer Modes

    2.7. LCh Components Layer Modes 2.7. LCh Components Layer Modes The “LCh” group contains layer modes that make use of the LCh color model. “LCh” stands for Lightness, Chroma, Hu...
  • 2.7. LCh Components Layer Modes

    2.7. LCh Components Layer Modes 2.7. LCh Components Layer Modes The “LCh” group contains layer modes that make use of the LCh color model. “LCh” stands for Lightness, Chroma, Hu...
  • npm Modules

    使用npm模块 Example 使用npm模块 对于那些比较复杂的样式/颜色转换, 使用不同的npm模块有时会是比自己造轮子更好的选择. Example 对于在CSS中的暗色梯度, 我们可以使用chroma-js 这个模块 import chroma from 'chroma-js' const alpha = ( co...
  • Write-ahead Log (WAL/)

    Write-ahead Log (WAL) Vector Indices Overview Metadata Indices Overview Further Reading Write-ahead Log (WAL) Chroma uses WAL to ensure data durability, even if things go wro...
  • LlamaIndex Embeddings

    LlamaIndex Embeddings Embedding Functions LlamaIndex Embeddings Embedding Functions Chroma and LlamaIndex both offer embedding functions which are wrappers on top of popular e...
  • 构建向量索引数据库

    构建向量索引数据库 构建向量索引数据库 我们上个案例里面有一步是将 document 信息转换成向量信息和embeddings的信息并临时存入 Chroma 数据库。 因为是临时存入,所以当我们上面的代码执行完成后,上面的向量化后的数据将会丢失。如果想下次使用,那么就还需要再计算一次embeddings,这肯定不是我们想要的。 那么,这个案例我们就...
  • Document IDs

    Document IDs Note on Compound IDs Common Practices UUIDs Caveats ULIDs NanoIDs Hashes Semantic Strategies Document IDs Chroma is unopinionated about document IDs and del...
  • 🦜⛓️ Langchain Retriever

    🦜⛓️ Langchain Retriever Vector Store Retriever 🦜⛓️ Langchain Retriever TBD: describe what retrievers are in LC and how they work. Vector Store Retriever In the below example ...
  • Playing videos

    Playing videos Supported playback formats Setting up VideoStreamPlayer Handling resizing and different aspect ratios Displaying a video on a 3D surface Looping a video Video d...
  • Naive Multi-tenancy Strategies

    Naive Multi-tenancy Strategies Introduction User-Per-Doc User-Per-Collection User-Per-Database User-Per-Tenant Naive Multi-tenancy Strategies Single-note Chroma The below ...