书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.008 秒,为您找到 84 个相关结果.
  • gRPC-Gateway Documentation

    The gRPC-Gateway is a plugin of the Google protocol buffers compiler protoc. It reads protobuf service definitions and generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a RESTful H...
  • Serverless Framework 文档

    Serverless 架构框架使用 AWS Lambda、Azure Functions、Google CloudFunctions 等技术,可以构建 Serverless 架构的 Web、移动和 IoT 应用。
  • Material Design 中文协同翻译

    Google I/O 2014发布的Material Design将会成为统一Android,Chrome等平台的设计语言规范,对从业人员意义重大,我们正通过互联网的方式将其翻译成中文~
  • Ludwig AI工具文档

    Ludwig 是 Uber 基于 Google TensorFlow 框架上的开源 AI 工具箱,用户无需再编写任何代码即可进行深度学习的开发。
  • Kubernetes The Hard Way v1.15.3

    This tutorial walks you through setting up Kubernetes the hard way. This guide is not for people looking for a fully automated command to bring up a Kubernetes cluster. If that's y...
  • Kubernetes The Hard Way v1.21.0

    This tutorial walks you through setting up Kubernetes the hard way. This guide is not for people looking for a fully automated command to bring up a Kubernetes cluster. If that's y...
  • Kubernetes The Hard Way v1.10.2

    This tutorial walks you through setting up Kubernetes the hard way. This guide is not for people looking for a fully automated command to bring up a Kubernetes cluster. If that's y...
  • Kubernetes The Hard Way v1.12.0

    This tutorial walks you through setting up Kubernetes the hard way. This guide is not for people looking for a fully automated command to bring up a Kubernetes cluster. If that's y...
  • Android Development : zero to one(英文)

    This is a collection of resources intended for Android developers and developers who have some programming knowledge and wants to get started with Android development. Conceived by...
  • Pinpoint学习笔记

    Pinpoint是一个开源的 APM (Application Performance Management/应用性能管理)工具,用于基于java的大规模分布式系统,基于Google Dapper论文。