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  • Python Client SDK

    KServe Python SDK Installation pip install Setuptools KServe Python Server KServe Client Getting Started Documentation for Client API Documentation For Models KServe Pyt...
  • MixUp and Friends

    MixUp and Friends reduce_loss [source] class MixHandler [source] class MixUp [source] class CutMix [source] MixUp and Friends Callbacks that can apply the M...
  • Questionnaire

    540 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    Questionnaire Further Research Questionnaire How is a grayscale image represented on a computer? How about a color image? How are the files and folders in the MNIST_SAMPLE d...
  • Learner

    Tabular learner Main functions class TabularLearner [source] tabular_learner [source] TabularLearner.predict [source] Tabular learner The function to immediatel...
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    常见问题解答 我的模型报告“cuda runtime error(2): out of memory” My GPU memory isn’t freed properly My data loader workers return identical random numbers My recurrent network doesn’t work w...
  • TFJob Common

    TFJob Common Out of date kubeflow.org CleanPodPolicy (string alias) JobCondition JobConditionType (string alias) JobStatus ReplicaSpec ReplicaStatus ReplicaType (string ...
  • torchvision.models

    torchvision.models torchvision.models.alexnet(pretrained=False, ** kwargs) torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=False, ** kwargs) torchvision.models.resnet34(pretrained=False, ...
  • torchvision.models

    1647 2018-04-07 《PyTorch中文文档》
    torchvision.models torchvision.models.alexnet(pretrained=False, ** kwargs) torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=False, ** kwargs) torchvision.models.resnet34(pretrained=False, ...
  • Word Embeddings: Encoding Lexical Semantics

    词嵌入:编码形式的词汇语义 Getting Dense Word Embeddings(密集词嵌入) Pytorch中的词嵌入 例子: N-Gram语言模型 练习:计算连续词袋模型的词向量 词嵌入:编码形式的词汇语义 译者:巩子惠 词嵌入是一种由真实数字组成的稠密向量,每个向量都代表了单词表里的一个单词。 在自然语言处理中,总会遇到...
  • 使用 TensorBoard 可视化模型,数据和训练

    使用 TensorBoard 可视化模型,数据和训练 1. TensorBoard设置 2.写入TensorBoard 3. 使用TensorBoard检查模型 4. 在TensorBoard中添加一个“投影仪” 5. 使用TensorBoard跟踪模型训练 6. 使用TensorBoard评估经过训练的模型 使用 TensorBoard...