统计 统计 最后,我们还有一个需求需要完成:可以让老板在职工目录中进行统计。Elasticsearch 把这项功能称作 汇总 (aggregations),通过这个功能,我们可以针对你的数据进行复杂的统计。这个功能有些类似于 SQL 中的 GROUP BY ,但是要比它更加强大。 例如,让我们找一下员工中最受欢迎的兴趣是什么: GET / me...
Start from Yes Start from Yes Recently I was at a grocery store searching high and low for “edamame” (which I only vaguely knew was some kind of a vegetable). I wasn’t sure whe...
Overview Overview The Vaadin Data Model is one of the core concepts of the library. There is a standard data interface that all UI components use to access and modify the appli...