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  • NATS Admin CLI

    NATS Admin CLI nats Admin CLI Add a new Stream Edit an existing Stream Add a New Consumer NATS Admin CLI nats Admin CLI The nats CLI can be used to manage Streams and Cons...
  • The Django admin site

    The Django admin site Overview Other topics ModelAdmin objects The register decorator Discovery of admin files ModelAdmin options Custom template options ModelAdmin metho...
  • Extending the Admin API

    Extending the Admin API Module Add endpoints to the Admin API Extending the Admin API Notes: This chapter assumes that you have a relative knowledge of Lapis . The Admin A...

    ADMIN RECOVER INDEX 语法图 示例 MySQL 兼容性 另请参阅 ADMIN RECOVER INDEX ADMIN RECOVER INDEX 语句用于在表发生行数据和索引的一致性故障时,根据表中多余的索引,使表的行数据和索引重新恢复到一致状态。注意,该语法尚不支持外键约束 。 语法图 AdminCleanupStmt...

    ADMIN CHECKSUM TABLE 语法图 示例 MySQL 兼容性 ADMIN CHECKSUM TABLE ADMIN CHECKSUM TABLE 语句用于计算表中所有行和索引的 CRC64 校验和。在 TiDB Lightning 等程序中,可通过此语句来确保导入操作成功。 语法图 AdminStmt TableName...
  • Envoy admin interface

    Envoy admin interface admin stat_prefix Admin endpoints: config_dump Admin endpoints: stats Envoy admin web UI Envoy admin interface The optional admin interface provid...
  • Create a Super Admin

    Create a Super Admin Create a super admin Create your first super admin account post-installation Create a Super Admin If you seeded a super admin at the time of running migr...
  • Server admin tasks

    Server admin tasks Server admin tasks Grafana Server Admins use the Server Admin menu to manage user accounts and organizations set up on the Grafana server. They perform task...
  • Admin HTTP API

    Admin API Fetch settings Required permissions Update settings Required permissions Grafana Stats Required permissions Global Users Required permissions Password for User R...
  • Admin Partitions BETA

    Consul Enterprise Admin Partitions Introduction Default Admin Partition Naming Admin Partitions Namespaces Cross-datacenter Replication DNS Queries Service Mesh Configurations...