书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.015 秒,为您找到 642 个相关结果.
  • asm

    asm asm The asm keyword can be used to insert inline assembly, which is needed for a very small set of features such as fiber switching and system calls: # x86-64 targets only...
  • 存储设置

    存储设置 存储设置 CloudStack被设计为可以支持广泛的商业级和企业级存储设备。如果所选的hypervisor支持,也可以使用本地存储。 所支持的虚拟磁盘类型取决于不同的hypervisor。 存储类型 XenServer vSphere KVM NFS 支持 支持 支持 iSCSI 支持 通过VMFS支持 通过集群文件系...

    332 2020-09-14 《Fiber v2.0 Document》
    JSONP JSONP Sends a JSON response with JSONP support. This method is identical to JSON , except that it opts-in to JSONP callback support. By default, the callback name is simp...
  • 安全过滤

    安全过滤 custom_addslashes 添加模式转义和移除魔术方法转义 deep_replace 深度过滤 filter_script 过滤 script clean_hex 过滤十六进制字符串 str_filter 字符过滤 html_filter HTML 过滤 html_view 字符 HTML 安全显示 clean_js 过滤 J...
  • Ruby支持

    Ruby支持 为Ruby支持构建uWSGI 关于内存消费的一个注意事项 关于线程和fiber的一个注意事项 在uWSGI上运行Rack应用 在uWSGI上运行Ruby on Rails应用 运行typo 运行Radiant Rails和SSL Ruby支持 Ruby API支持 从版本0.9.7-dev起,一个Ruby (Rac...
  • QueryParser

    702 2020-09-14 《Fiber v2.0 Document》
    QueryParser QueryParser This method is similar to BodyParser , but for query parameters. func ( c * Ctx ) QueryParser ( out interface {}) error // Field names sho...
  • BodyParser

    BodyParser BodyParser Binds the request body to a struct. BodyParser supports decoding query parameters and the following content types based on the Content-Type header: ap...
  • BodyParser

    BodyParser BodyParser Binds the request body to a struct. BodyParser supports decoding query parameters and the following content types based on the Content-Type header: ap...
  • BodyParser

    445 2020-09-14 《Fiber v2.0 Document》
    BodyParser BodyParser Binds the request body to a struct. BodyParser supports decoding query parameters and the following content types based on the Content-Type header: ap...
  • Building Automation

    Building Automation BACnet/IP KNXnet/IP LON Building Automation BACnet/IP BACnet is a data communication protocol for building automation and control networks. BACnet is...