书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.024 秒,为您找到 1263 个相关结果.
  • Vindexes

    A Vindex maps column values to keyspace IDs Advantages The Primary Vindex Secondary Vindexes Unique and NonUnique Vindex Functional and Lookup Vindex Lookup Vindex types Consi...
  • Vindexes

    A Vindex maps column values to keyspace IDs Advantages The Primary Vindex Secondary Vindexes Unique and NonUnique Vindex Functional and Lookup Vindex Lookup Vindex types Consi...
  • Introduction

    Introduction Benefits 100% MQTT Compliant Data Security & Privacy Cloud-Native Run Anywhere High ROI (Return on Investment) with Low TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Global Techn...
  • Django FAQ

    Django FAQ Django FAQ FAQ: General Why does this project exist? What does “Django” mean, and how do you pronounce it? Is Django stable? Does Django scale? Who’s behind thi...
  • Image Metadata

    Image Metadata Overview Defining Image Metadata Image Metadata You are viewing documentation for a release that is no longer supported. The latest supported version of versio...
  • Overview

    Concept Source Sink Processing guarantee Set Update Work with connector Messaging systems are most powerful when you can easily use them with external systems like database...
  • CQRS模式概述

    CQRS模式概述 CQRS模式概述 为什么要选择CQRS模式来实现微服务?在传统的应用结构中,应用通常要对在数据库中持久化的数据进行操作。通常为数据模型实体使用唯一的数据库,同时用于读取和写入。数据的设计由写入和更新操作驱动,以保持数据一致性。开发人员尝试使用正规化(normalization)技术来最小化数据冗余。虽然有必要以规范化的形式存储数据,...
  • Create a new service class

    Create a new service class Update the service container Test it out Create a new service class Back in the MVC basics chapter, you created a FakeTodoItemService that contain...
  • 速率限制(Rate Limiting)

    限流 (Rate Limiting) 限流 (Rate Limiting) 为防止滥用,你应该考虑对您的 API 限流。例如,您可以限制每个用户 10 分钟内最多调用 API 100 次。如果在规定的时间内接收了一个用户大量的请求,将返回响应状态代码 429 (这意味着过多的请求)。 要启用限流, [[yii\web\User::identityC...
  • WEB Farms and Caching

    WEB Farms and Caching WEB Farms and Caching Now let’s consider we have a social networking site and have millions of user profiles. Profile pages of some famous users might be ...