Deploying the verticles from a main verticle Deploying the verticles from a main verticle We still have a MainVerticle class, but instead of containing all the business logic ...
The Boy Scout Rule The Boy Scout Rule The Boy Scouts have a rule: “Always leave the campground cleaner than you found it.” If you find a mess on the ground, you clean it up reg...
3.3 The BeanContext 3.3 The BeanContext The BeanContext is a container object for all your bean definitions (it also implements BeanDefinitionRegistry ). It is also the point ...
Logging queries Logging queries All queries are logged to the peewee namespace using the standard librarylogging module. Queries are logged using the DEBUG level. If you’reint...
Deploy a WordPress Web Application Objective Prerequisites Estimated Time Example Create a WordPress Deployment Step 1: Create a ConfigMap Step 2: Create a Volume Step 3: Crea...
Building Building on Linux Requirements Building steps Building on Windows Requirements Default way Building with Meson Building with Qmake Using QtCreator Compiling on Lin...
HTTP Middleware Introduction Defining Middleware Before / After Middleware Registering Middleware Global Middleware Assigning Middleware To Routes Middleware Groups Middlewa...
Reranking search results using the Cohere Rerank model Step 1: Register a Cohere Rerank model Step 2: Configure a reranking pipeline Step 2.1: Ingest test data Step 2.2: Create a...