Install on Windows Install with Windows installer (recommended) Install standalone Windows binary Install on Windows You can either download the Windows installer package or a...
Compiling for Windows Requirements Setting up SCons Installing Visual Studio caveats Downloading Godot’s source Compiling Selecting a compiler Running SCons Development in V...
Windows Storage Persistent storage In-tree volume plugins Windows Storage This page provides an storage overview specific to the Windows operating system. Persistent storage...
Networking on Windows Container networking on Windows Network modes IP address management (IPAM) Load balancing and Services Limitations Networking on Windows Kubernetes su...
Networking on Windows Container networking on Windows Network modes IP address management (IPAM) Load balancing and Services Limitations Networking on Windows Kubernetes su...
Windows 存储 持久存储 树内(In-Tree)卷插件 Windows 存储 此页面提供特定于 Windows 操作系统的存储概述。 持久存储 Windows 有一个分层文件系统驱动程序用来挂载容器层和创建基于 NTFS 的文件系统拷贝。 容器中的所有文件路径仅在该容器的上下文中解析。 使用 Docker 时,卷挂载只能是容器中的目录...