斯坦福教授、Tcl 语言发明者 John Ousterhout 的著作《A Philosophy of Software Design》,自出版以来,好评如潮。按照 IT 图书出版的惯例,如果冠名为“实践”,书中内容关注的是某项技术的细节和技巧;冠名为“艺术”,内容可能是记录一件优秀作品的设计过程和经验;而冠名为“哲学”,则是一些通用的原则和方法论,这些原则...
Machine learning has great potential for improving products, processes and research. But computers usually do not explain their predictions which is a barrier to the adoption of ma...
Caffe2 is a deep learning framework that provides an easy and straightforward way for you to experiment with deep learning and leverage community contributions of new models and al...
ml5.js is machine learning for the web in your web browser. Through some clever and exciting advancements, the folks building TensorFlow.js figured out that it is possible to use t...