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  • 认证配置

    Authentication JWT Header JWT Payload JWT Signature Authentication 如果使能的话, eKuiper 从 1.4.0 起将为 RESTful API 提供基于 JWT RSA256 的身份验证。用户需要将他们的公钥放在 etc/mgmt 文件夹中,并使用相应的私钥来签署 JWT ...
  • Code samples

    Knative Serving code samples Knative Serving code samples Use the following code samples to help you understand the various Knative Serving resources and how they can be applie...
  • Code samples

    Knative Serving code samples Knative Serving code samples Use the following code samples to help you understand the various Knative Serving resources and how they can be applie...
  • 教程

    PERM元模型 (Policy, Effect, Request, Matcher) HTTP & RESTful Beego Gin Iris Banzai Cloud Argo CD GShark PERM元模型 (Policy, Effect, Request, Matcher) 利用Casbin的PERM模型进行访问控制 C...
  • MetaData Manager Server 架构

    MetaData Manager Server 架构 背景 架构图 架构说明 核心流程 MetaData Manager Server 架构 背景 早期版本中的Exchangis0.x和Linkis0.x都有整合数据源模块,为复用数据源的管理能力,Linkis以linkis-datasource为蓝本(可以参阅相关的文档)重构数据源模块,将数...
  • Configure gRPC Plugins

    Introduction to Kong gRPC Plugins gRPC-Gateway plugin configuration gRPC-Web plugin configuration Introduction to Kong gRPC Plugins Before going into the specifics of configur...
  • Overview

    Knative Serving code samples Knative Serving code samples Use the following code samples to help you understand the various Knative Serving resources and how they can be applied...
  • Code samples

    Knative Serving code samples Knative Serving code samples Use the following code samples to help you understand the various Knative Serving resources and how they can be applie...
  • MetaData Manager Server 架构

    MetaData Manager Server 架构 背景 架构图 架构说明 核心流程 MetaData Manager Server 架构 背景 早期版本中的Exchangis0.x和Linkis0.x都有整合数据源模块,为复用数据源的管理能力,Linkis以linkis-datasource为蓝本(可以参阅相关的文档)重构数据源模块,将数...
  • 接口规范

    1. HTTP or WebSocket ? 2. URL规范 3. 接口请求格式 4. 接口返回格式 Contributor为Linkis贡献新的Restful接口时,需遵循如下接口规范进行接口开发。 1. HTTP or WebSocket ? Linkis目前提供了两种接口方式:HTTP和WebSocket。 WebSocket...