Deployment PLONK Stack Kubernetes (recommended for production and for work) faasd - Serverless for everyone else OpenShift Docker Swarm (deprecated) Deployment OpenFaaS can...
What is Kubernetes? Going back in time Why you need Kubernetes and what it can do What Kubernetes is not What’s next What is Kubernetes? Kubernetes is a portable, extensible...
Overview Going back in time Why you need Kubernetes and what it can do What Kubernetes is not What’s next Overview Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open source platform...
Introduction Introduction KubeVela is a modern software delivery and management control plane. The goal is to make deploying and operating applications across today’s hybrid, mu...
Roles and Personas Background Key Roles and Personas RBAC Roles and Personas Background In the original design of Kubernetes, Ingress and Service resources were based on a u...