书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.013 秒,为您找到 729 个相关结果.
  • 重试次数和截止时间

    重试次数和截止日期 重试 超时 截止时间 重试次数和截止日期 分布式系统中的故障是不可避免的。linkerd 带有多个可配置的选项,可以帮助让客户端和服务器更加容错,更加可靠。 重试 linkerd 可以在某些故障时自动重试请求(例如,连接错误)。相关示例请参阅 配置文档 。 linkerd 带有几个 HTTP 响应分类器,用于确定哪些 ...
  • Traffic Split (canaries, blue/green deploys)

    Traffic Split (canaries, blue/green deploys) Traffic Split (canaries, blue/green deploys) Linkerd’s traffic split functionality allows you to dynamically shift arbitraryportion...
  • Multi-cluster communication with StatefulSets

    Multi-cluster communication with StatefulSets Prerequisites Install Linkerd multi-cluster with headless support Pod-to-Pod: from east, to west Cleanup Multi-cluster communic...
  • Traffic Split (canaries, blue/green deploys)

    Traffic Split (canaries, blue/green deploys) Traffic Split (canaries, blue/green deploys) Linkerd’s traffic split functionality allows you to dynamically shift arbitrary portio...
  • Cluster Configuration

    Cluster Configuration GKE Private Clusters Cluster Configuration GKE Private Clusters If you are using a private GKE cluster , you are required to create afirewall rule t...
  • Cluster Configuration

    Cluster Configuration GKE Private Clusters Cluster Configuration GKE Private Clusters If you are using a private GKE cluster , you are required to create afirewall rule t...
  • Retries and Timeouts

    Retries and Timeouts How Retries Can Go Wrong Choosing a maximum number of retry attempts is a guessing game Systems configured this way are vulnerable to retry storms Retry Bud...
  • 外部资源

    外部资源 外部资源 此页面包含来自 Booyant 和 linkerd 用户的关于 linkerd 的博客和谈话。 通过 Buoyant的博客 查看更多的帖子! 注: 详细列表请见原文(没有翻译的必要): https://linkerd.io/overview/external-resources/
  • Configuring Retries

    Configuring Retries Retries Retry Budgets Monitoring Retries Configuring Retries In order for Linkerd to do automatic retries of failures, there are twoquestions that need t...
  • 概况

    配置 配置 linkerd 和 namerd 的配置都是通过配置文件控制,当进程启动时,配置文件必须作为命令行参数提供。支持 YAML 和 JSON 配置文件格式。完整而最新配置参考指南,请参阅: LINKERD-1.1.3 CONFIG NAMERD-1.1.3 CONFIG 译者注: 配置文档的翻译工作稍后会继续