Padding Quick reference Basic usage Add padding to a single side Add horizontal padding Add vertical padding Add padding to all sides Using logical properties Applying condi...
22. gdb Support 22.1. gdb 7 and later 22.2. gdb 6 and earlier 22.3. Updating auto-load-safe-path to allow test_gdb to run 22. gdb Support If you experience low-level problem...
Plugins Install the polls application Set up a base template for the application Create a new polls_cms_integration application The Plugin Model The Plugin Class The template...
Large Applications as Packages Simple Packages Working with Blueprints Large Applications as Packages Imagine a simple flask application structure that looks like this: / you...
Theano 在 Windows 上的配置 安装 theano 安装 VS 和 CUDA 配置环境变量 配置 .theanorc.txt Theano 在 Windows 上的配置 注意:不建议在 windows 进行 theano 的配置。 务必确认你的显卡支持 CUDA 。 我个人的电脑搭载的是 Windows 10 x64 系统...
1. Extending the CMS: Examples 1.1. My First Plugin 1.1.1. The Model 1.1.2. The Plugin Class 1.1.3. The Template 1.2. My First App (apphook) 1.3. My First Menu 1. Extendin...