书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.029 秒,为您找到 22826 个相关结果.
  • Authorization APIs

    About Authorization APIs LocalResourceAccessReview [authorization.openshift.io/v1] LocalSubjectAccessReview [authorization.openshift.io/v1] ResourceAccessReview [authorization.o...
  • Permission APIs

    152 2022-04-17 《Deno v1.20.5 Manual》
    Permission APIs Permission descriptors Query permissions Permission states Permission strength Request permissions Revoke permissions Permission APIs Permissions are grant...

    Goals Prerequisites Steps 1. Create a policy bundle. 2. Bootstrap the tutorial environment using Docker Compose. 3. Check that alice can see her own salary. 4. Check that bob...

    Goals Prerequisites Steps 1. Bootstrap the tutorial environment using Docker Compose. 2. Load a policy into OPA. 3. Check that alice can see her own salary. 4. Check that bob...

    Pulsar SQL REST APIs 请求 Presto 服务 Schema Pulsar SQL REST APIs 本部分列出了构成 Presto REST API v1的资源。 请求 Presto 服务 Presto 服务的所有请求都应该使用 Presto REST API v1 版本。 若要请求服务,请使用显式的 URL http...

    Pulsar SQL REST APIs 请求 Presto 服务 Schema Pulsar SQL REST APIs 本部分列出了构成 Presto REST API v1的资源。 请求 Presto 服务 Presto 服务的所有请求都应该使用 Presto REST API v1 版本。 若要请求服务,请使用显式的 URL http...
  • Compiler APIs

    156 2022-04-17 《Deno v1.20.6 Manual》
    Compiler APIs Compiler APIs ℹ️ This section has been moved to TypeScript Runtime APIs .
  • Permission APIs

    149 2022-04-17 《Deno v1.20.3 Manual》
    Permission APIs Permission descriptors Query permissions Permission states Permission strength Request permissions Revoke permissions Permission APIs Permissions are grant...
  • APIs and Drivers

    API Supported standards TinkerPop Blueprints API OrientDB supports 3 kinds of drivers: Native binary remote , that talks directly against the TCP/IP socket using the binary ...
  • Configuration APIs

    Configuration APIs Client Authentication (v1beta1) kube-apiserver Audit Configuration (v1) kube-apiserver Configuration (v1beta1) kube-proxy Configuration (v1alpha1) kube-sched...