书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.042 秒,为您找到 1641 个相关结果.
  • Data migration

    Migrate data between different backends Create a new temporary seafile.conf Run migrate.sh Replace the original seafile.conf Migrate data between different backends Seafile ...
  • Settings

    All settings Get settings Path variables Response body Example Response: 200 Ok Update settings Path variables Body Example Response: 202 Accepted Reset settings Path ...
  • 添加 iOS 依赖项

    添加 iOS 依赖项 With CocoaPods Without CocoaPods Add a library without CocoaPods Add a framework without CocoaPods 下一步做什么? 添加 iOS 依赖项 Apple SDK dependencies (such as Foundation ...
  • Enumerations

    Enumerations Enumeration Syntax Matching Enumeration Values with a Switch Statement Iterating over Enumeration Cases Associated Values Raw Values Implicitly Assigned Raw Values...
  • 订单查询

    订单查询 查询订单详情 订单查询 数据类型 Order OrderList 订单状态 退款状态 支付方式 订单查询 订单查询包括查询订单详情和获取订单列表。 查询订单详情 通过订单的流水号(transactionNo ),来查询该订单的详细信息。通常用于: 查询订单列表中某个订单的详细信息; 用户发起支付,并在微信或支...
  • Custom Widgets - iOS

    839 2018-06-21 《Tabris 中文文档》
    Custom Widgets on iOS A Tabris.js widget consists of a JavaScript API and a native client side implementation. This document describes how to create the native implementation fo...
  • Closure Retain Cycle

    Closure Retention Cycle Introduction Problem Design Class Retain Cycle Solution Weak Unowned More Unowned Design Independent Class Design Dependent Class Create Instances...
  • Expressions

    Expressions Prefix Expressions Try Operator Binary Expressions Assignment Operator Ternary Conditional Operator Type-Casting Operators Primary Expressions Literal Expression ...
  • Pool Placement and Storage Classes

    569 2019-12-29 《Ceph v15.0 Document》
    Pool Placement and Storage Classes Placement Targets Storage Classes Zonegroup/Zone Configuration Adding a Placement Target Adding a Storage Class Customizing Placement Defaul...
  • Openstack服务模块

    第四章 Puppet-OpenStack模块 第四章 Puppet-OpenStack模块 PuppetOpenstack项目发展到今日,代码经历了多次的迭代和持续的更新,其代码和规范可以称之为Puppet进阶的经典素材。它体现在以下几点: 严格遵守Puppet Code Style 松耦合的代码逻辑 几乎没有代码冗余,非常高的代码复用率 精...