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  • 10.1 Kafka Support

    10.1 Kafka Support 10.1 Kafka Support Apache Kafka is a distributed stream processing platform that can be used for a range of messaging requirements in addition to stream pro...
  • Kafka client wrapper

    Pulsar adaptor for Apache Kafka 使用 Pulsar Kafka 兼容封装器 同时使用 Pulsar Kafka 兼容封装器和已有 Kafka 客户端 生产者示例 消费者示例 完整示例 兼容性列表 生产者(Producer) 消费者(Consumer) 自定义 Pulsar 配置 Pulsar client pr...
  • Apache Kafka Connector

    Apache Kafka Connector 依赖 Kafka Source (Consumer) 基础消费示例 注意事项 高级配置参数 消费多个Kafka实例 特别注意 消费多个Topic 提示 Topic 发现 特别注意 配置开始消费的位置 指定分区Offset 指定deserializer 返回记录KafkaRecord ...
  • Kafka Connector Tutorial

    Kafka Connector Tutorial Introduction Installation Step 1: Install Apache Kafka Step 2: Load data Step 3: Make the Kafka topics known to Presto Step 4: Basic data querying Ste...
  • Kafka 桥接

    Kafka 桥接 配置 Kafka 集群地址 配置 Kafka 桥接规则 Kafka 桥接规则说明 客户端上下线事件转发 Kafka 客户端订阅主题事件转发 Kafka 客户端取消订阅主题事件转发 Kafka MQTT 消息转发到 Kafka MQTT 消息派发 (Deliver) 事件转发 Kafka MQTT 消息确认 (Ack) 事件转...
  • Apache Kafka Broker

    Apache Kafka Broker Prerequisites Installation Create a Kafka Broker Set as default broker implementation Kafka Producer and Consumer configurations Enable debug logging for d...
  • Apache Kafka Broker

    Apache Kafka Broker Prerequisites Installation Create a Kafka Broker Set as default broker implementation Kafka Producer and Consumer configurations Enable debug logging for d...
  • 创建 Kafka 规则

    创建 Kafka 规则 创建 Kafka 规则 搭建 Kafka 环境,以 MaxOS X 为例: $ wget http : //apache.claz.org/kafka/2.3.0/kafka_2.12-2.3.0.tgz $ tar - xzf kafka_2 . 12 - 2.3 . 0.tgz $ cd kafka...
  • Add Kafka as Receiver

    Add Kafka as Receiver (aka Collector) Prerequisite Step 1: Create a Kafka cluster and a Kafka topic Add Kafka as Receiver (aka Collector) KubeSphere supports using Elasticsea...
  • Securing a Kafka cluster

    Securing a Kafka cluster Setup Cilium Deploy the Demo Application Setup Client Terminals Test Basic Kafka Produce & Consume The Danger of a Compromised Kafka Client Securing A...