书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.021 秒,为您找到 1322 个相关结果.
  • JPush iOS SDK v3.0.3

    JPush iOS SDK v3.0.3 更新时间 Change Log 升级提示 升级指南 JPush iOS SDK v3.0.3 更新时间 2017-04-01 Change Log 优化:socket connect 机制 修复:SDK HTTP 上报偶然崩溃的问题,增强健壮性 升级提示 建议升级! 注意:不支持...
  • Exporting for macOS

    Exporting for macOS Requirements Code signing and notarization If you have an Apple Developer ID Certificate and exporting from macOS To sign exported app To notarize exported ap...
  • Exporting for macOS

    Exporting for macOS Requirements Code signing and notarization If you have an Apple Developer ID Certificate and exporting from macOS To sign exported app To notarize exported ap...
  • CMake 使用简介

    CMake 使用简介 CMake 介绍 安装 快速开始 其他常用 CMake 命令 message message 命令还有其他用途,例如: set list add_library find_library target_link_libraries target_include_directories target_...
  • 构建步骤(macOS)

    构建步骤(macOS) Prerequisites Python macOS SDK 构建Electron 构建步骤(macOS) 请按照下面的指南在macOS下构建 Electron 本身 ,以此创建自定义 Electron 二进制文件。 为了将您的应用代码与预构建的 Electron 二进制文件打包并发布,请参阅 应用程序发布 指南。 ...
  • Exporting for macOS

    Exporting for macOS Requirements Code signing and notarization If you have an Apple Developer ID Certificate and exporting from macOS To sign exported app To notarize exported ap...
  • IDEs

    563 2021-02-12 《Modern CMake v3.19》
    Supporting IDEs Folders for targets Folders for files Running with an IDE Supporting IDEs In general, IDEs are already supported by a standard CMake project. There are just ...
  • AnySDK Framework

    AnySDK Framework 使用 AnySDK 原生 H5 无需使用 AnySDK 删除 AnySDK 后仍需使用 更新 AnySDK Framework 接入常见问题 AnySDK Framework Cocos Creator 内置 Cocos 引擎中包含了 AnySDK Framework 资源。即开发者构建发布出的平台工程...
  • Exporting for macOS

    Exporting for macOS Requirements Code signing and notarization If you have an Apple Developer ID Certificate and exporting from macOS To sign exported app To notarize exported ap...
  • Compiling for iOS

    Compiling for iOS Requirements Compiling Run Compiling for iOS Requirements SCons (you can get it from macports, you should be able to run scons in a terminal when insta...