DROP DATABASE 语法图 示例 MySQL 兼容性 另请参阅 DROP DATABASE DROP DATABASE 语句用于永久删除指定的数据库 schema,以及删除所有在 schema 中创建的表和视图。与被删数据库相关联的用户权限不受影响。 语法图 DropDatabaseStmt ::= 'DROP...
Database binding Database binding The database object has the Database.bind() method. It is used for attaching declared entities to a specific database. If you want to play wi...
ALTER DATABASE description example keyword ALTER DATABASE description This statement is used to set the properties of the specified database. (Administrators only) Grammar: ...
Database access Mappers Entities Types Accessing attributes Custom attribute to database column mapping Slugs Database access The basic way to run a database query is to ...
The database verticle Configurable SQL queries Dispatching requests Reducing the JDBC client boilerplate The database verticle Connecting to a database using JDBC requires o...