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  • 安装

    安装¶ Python 版本¶ 依赖¶ 可选依赖¶ 虚拟环境¶ 创建一个虚拟环境¶ 激活虚拟环境¶ 安装 Flask¶ 活在当下¶ 安装 virtualenv¶ 安装¶ Python 版本¶ 我们推荐使用最新版本的 Python 3 。 Flask 支持 Python 3.4 及更高版本的Python 3 、 Python 2.7...
  • ASGI

    ASGI ASGI If you’d like to use an ASGI server you will need to utilise WSGI to ASGI middleware. The asgiref [WsgiToAsgi](https://github.com/django/asgiref#wsgi-to-asgi-adapter ...
  • Single-Page Applications

    Single-Page Applications Single-Page Applications Flask can be used to serve Single-Page Applications (SPA) by placing staticfiles produced by your frontend framework in a subf...
  • 快速上手

    快速上手¶ 一个最小的应用¶ 如果服务器不能启动怎么办¶ 老版本的 Flask¶ 非法导入名称¶ 调试模式¶ 路由¶ 变量规则¶ 唯一的 URL / 重定向行为¶ URL 构建¶ HTTP 方法¶ 静态文件¶ 渲染模板¶ 操作请求数据¶ 本地环境¶ 请求对象¶ 文件上传¶ Cookies¶ 重定向和错误¶ 关于响应¶ 会...
  • Chapter 3: Web Forms

    Introduction to Flask-WTF Configuration User Login Form Form Templates Form Views Receiving Form Data Improving Field Validation Generating Links This is the third install...
  • Large Applications as Packages

    Large Applications as Packages Simple Packages Working with Blueprints Large Applications as Packages Imagine a simple flask application structure that looks like this: / you...
  • Large Applications as Packages

    Large Applications as Packages Simple Packages Working with Blueprints Large Applications as Packages Imagine a simple flask application structure that looks like this: / you...
  • MongoDB with MongoEngine

    MongoDB with MongoEngine Configuration Mapping Documents Creating Data Queries Documentation MongoDB with MongoEngine Using a document database like MongoDB is a common alt...
  • Adding HTTP Method Overrides

    Adding HTTP Method Overrides Adding HTTP Method Overrides Some HTTP proxies do not support arbitrary HTTP methods or newer HTTPmethods (such as PATCH). In that case it’s possib...
  • 编写 TODO 应用【part001】

    编写 TODO 应用【part001】 TODO 应用讲解 设计 Models 设计 views 初始化扩展 初始化应用 编写 TODO 应用【part001】 本书前面两个部分分别对 Flask 的基本知识、用法以及介绍了多种扩展以及扩展的通用使用方式,使用扩展过程中的一些细节进行了讲解。虽然过程中有一个 REST API 小例子描述,但...