40. Dates (Date) 40.1. Best practice: don’t use the current built-in API 40.2. Background: UTC vs. GMT 40.3. Background: date time formats (ISO) 40.4. Time values 40.4.1. Creati...
let declarations let declarations In JavaScript, var declarations are “hoisted” to the top of their enclosing scope. This can result in confusing bugs: console . log ( x ); ...
TypeScript 3.8 Type-Only Imports and Export ECMAScript Private Fields Which should I use? export * as ns Syntax Top-Level await es2020 for target and module JSDoc Prope...
Type-Only Imports and Export ECMAScript Private Fields Which should I use? export * as ns Syntax Top-Level await es2020 for target and module JSDoc Property Modifiers B...
Build System What does it do? Reloads app on file change Compiles files with build plugins Controlling which files to build Combines and minifies code Development vs. productio...
@babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from Example Installation Usage With a configuration file (Recommended) Via CLI Via Node API References @babel/plugin-proposal-expor...