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  • 6.4 Worker

    6.4 Worker 范式 示例 6.4 Worker 范式 参考地址 名称 类型 描述 withSeconds bool 是否使用 concurrentDelay string 任务并发时是否延迟运行 immediatelyRun bool 是否立即运行 enableTrace bool 是否开启链路,待支持 enableAcc...
  • Service Worker

    1026 2018-07-03 《PWA文档》
    Service Worker 简介 怎么使用 Service Worker Service Worker 生命周期 如何进行 Service Worker 调试
  • Worker类

    Worker类 ‘online’ 事件 ‘listening’ 事件 ‘message’ 事件 ‘disconnect’ 事件 ‘exit’ 事件 ‘error’ 事件 worker.id worker.process worker.suicide worker.send(message[, sendHandle][, callback])...
  • Worker Tags

    Worker Tags Target Worker Filtering This page describes how to use worker tags and filters to control which workers are allowed to handle a given target. This can be used to con...
  • Service worker

    Service worker Usage Entry point Service worker Explore the Service worker preset with Nitro to push the boundaries of Nuxt rendering to the edge. Can be used for edge-side...
  • Worker Processes

    Worker Processes How do I know which type of worker to use? What types of workers are there? How can I figure out the best number of worker processes? How can I change the numbe...
  • 3.3 Worker

    3.3 Worker 3.3.1 Worker介绍 3.3.2 配置规范 3.3.3 简单的Worker 3.3 Worker 3.3.1 Worker介绍 Worker主要是用来执行一些需要在特定时间运行的业务逻辑。常见的使用场景,比如在后端服务定时同步数据。 3.3.2 配置规范 配置说明 3.3.3 简单的Worker ...
  • class: Worker

    class: Worker event: ‘close’ worker.evaluate(pageFunction[, arg]) worker.evaluateHandle(pageFunction[, arg]) worker.url() class: Worker The Worker class represents a WebWor...
  • Web Worker

    Web Worker 概述 基本用法 主线程 Worker 线程 Worker 加载脚本 错误处理 关闭 Worker 数据通信 同页面的 Web Worker 实例:Worker 线程完成轮询 实例: Worker 新建 Worker API 主线程 Worker 线程 Web Worker 概述 JavaScrip...
  • 覆盖worker

    覆盖worker 覆盖worker 多亏了暴露给插件的”worker”钩子,你可以覆盖每个uWSGI worker运行的代码。 目前,python插件是唯一一个暴露它的插件: [ uwsgi ] ; create a bunch of sockets socket = 127.0 . 0.1 : 3031 socket = 1...